Monday, 5 April 2010

Another Birthday...

Right, it was my birthday on Friday, and, as such, I am attempting to turn over a brand new leaf.

I got mightily hammered on the night itself, had a wicked time, sewed myself (I think anyway) an excellent Noddy outfit, complete with blue hat and bell and made a complete and utter twat out of myself.

So, as with every passing year, this one is no exception. I am full of good intentions. I will be a real person now. Less drinking. Less humiliation and self loathing. More direction. Less cynisism. Better behaviour toward my fellow man. Do some excercise. Apply myself to writing more. Write less when drunk and miserable. Be more positive.

You know, the usual.

So, I start this makeover of the soul with a trip to St. Ives, which I will enjoy and find relaxing. I'll report back. I'm sunny side up already. This blog has thus far tended to illuminate the negative, out the irritating and generally have a little moan. But no more. The report of my couple of days away will be less the painful regret-tinged hangover, and more of the bit when you feel tipsy and the night is full of promise.

You'll see.
