Thursday, 12 July 2012

Ladies That Tweet...may want to think about it first.

Last Tuesday I attended an event in Bristol Called ‘Ladies that Tweet’ - one of those networking evenings for women who use social media in business to meet, discuss, be inspired and learn some helpful tips about the use of social media in business and marketing.

Obviously, being a women’s event, there was bound to be some talk of the difficulties women face in the workplace, and I realise there are many. There are still huge pay differences between men and women, there is also an enormous difference between the number of men and women in managerial and directorial positions - and this is especially true in the world of marketing.

Before attending the event, I had been reading a report by McKinsey & Company entitled ‘Women at the Top of Corporations: Making it Happen’ (available online) which found, among many worrying statistics regarding employment for women that ‘women are still underrepresented in corporate boards and barely present in executive communities’. Having previously worked for the Equality and Human Rights commission, I have read many such reports.

The issue of gender inequality is a troubling one, not just in management and marketing, but across many career sectors, right across Europe. After the networking (and cocktails - always a bonus!) there were three female speakers from various media backgrounds; an email marketer who runs workshops about online marketing and social media, a sex blogger turned novelist who had been horribly and unfairly hounded and bullied by the press after they publicly revealed her identity, and a woman who had recently started a company to try and change the male dominated marketing world, after being inspired by the hit series, Mad Men (which I am currently obsessed with by the way, and has raised many a gender related debate between me and my partner).

So far, so good.

The email marketer and blogger were both eloquent, professional, and raised some valid points for debate, as well as giving some great advice about handling the media, and making the most out of social media in the world of business, which is, after all, what the event was all about.

However, the speaker from the world of marketing, for want of a better word, shocked me. As did the reactions from other attendees on Twitter after the event, although, given we had just been told about the pitfalls of non-polite social media interaction, maybe they were simply worried about the repercussions of critical comment - as in fact I am in publishing this piece on-line.

I did pause to think about it, especially after the advice given in the event about the dangers of opinion pieces on the web. Also, as it was a networking function, I suppose it would be safer and less hassle to keep my opinion to myself.

However, I am a writer, and the issues raised by this speaker really did both trouble and anger me. I fully expect that many people will disagree, which they are completely free to do, in the same way that I am free to express my opinion. So here it is.

In a word, this woman was simply sexist. Initially, I could see her point. She had worked in marketing companies that were male dominated, and where, as in many marketing agencies, the content produced had been decided, in the main, by men. And regarding Mad Men, I have read some genuinely interesting and well researched discussions on the topic surrounding whether the world of advertising has really changed since Don Draper’s (the main character, if you haven’t seen it, and I recommend you do!) day, i.e., the early sixties.

As a topic of discussion, it was potentially an interesting one. But researched and structured debate this was not.

She opened by asking everyone in the room to raise their hand if they were a feminist. Bearing in mind this is a bunch of women who have come straight from work, who don’t know each other, and, if they were anything like me, currently quite focussed on the bowls of sweets on the table, (I would like to point out the event was brilliantly organised, the venue was lovely, and the other speakers, as well as the attendees were very interesting. It was largely a great event) so, for whatever reason you care to choose, only half the room put their hands up.

 Thus began the casual sexism, man bashing, bad research and patronising of women. In my view anyway, as I said, many of the comments on twitter implied that lots of the attendees agreed, and didn’t have a problem with it at all.

The half of the room who didn’t raise a hand were met with the comment; ‘Well that’s just sad. Didn’t you want us to get the vote?’ The speaker then proceeded to profess the freedom of modern women to shout C***, which yes, is true, but totally inappropriate in a meeting about social media, as it would have been if a man had said the same thing.

She also showed a succession of slides which patronised the crap out of men in the same way that she complains they do to women. You know the type of thing, the funny pictures people post of Facebook, like a man has one button you push to get all his behaviours, we have lots. Wonderfully illustrated with a photo of one button, with the word ‘Man’ under it, and a photo of lots of buttons, with the word ‘Woman’ under it. Hilarious and informative, right?

She continued to speak about the way we should market to women because when a man goes in a shop, it’s to get one item, but women like to go with their friends, wander around in a haphazard fashion, like some neon-light befuzzled moth with a credit card, and always ‘with friends so they can ask each other, does my bum look big in this?’

This was illustrated with a floor-plan of a shop and a straight line mapping a man’s linear movement towards his item of choice, juxtaposed with a big wobbly squiggle to illustrate a woman wandering here there and everywhere, distracted, presumably by all the bags, shoes and other pretty, irresistible trinkets.

 I’m sure there is some truth to this, but how can you moan about sexist stereotypes and put that up?

This was followed by an image of Mel Gibson shaving his legs in the film ‘What Women Want’. Another great and reliable source to illustrate the real problems women face concerning inequality.

There was also scientific reference, again backed up with a lovely illustration. ‘Men and women use different parts of their brain’.
So far so psychologically tested to be true, in some ways.
‘Men use the right side, and women use the whole thing’.

 Hmm, not so well researched.

The problem I had with this whole discussion, and the reason why I felt the need to write something about it, is that it was badly researched, totally contradictory, and belittled the genuine inequality that both women and men face at the hands of sexist, capitalist marketing structures.

In my opinion, many women have an aversion to shouting about being a feminist because it conjures up this sort of thing. Angry, irrational women shouting, stereotyping and man bashing. There is no reasoned debate, little research and a lot of sexism and female chauvinism. And that hurts the cause of real feminists.

I understand feminism to be the desire for equality. And whatever your gender, and however passionate you are about a topic, you should be fair, and assess the evidence. Then you should rationally go about solving the problem.

Marketing is always going to portray people, men and women, in an unrealistic light because it aims to sell you a lifestyle you don’t already have. It also aims to sell you things you don’t need and an image of someone else, who’s prettier/thinner/ healthier/more organised/more stylish/whatever.

That’s capitalism for you.

It also sells to you in the same way this woman did, so I guess judging from the many positive reactions afterward, she’s very good at her job. It bombards you with pictures, distractions, half-baked studies and fictional or misrepresented statistics presented as ‘proper’ science. It also sells you things using catchy little hooks - like calling your company MadWomen, and offering to measure market trends with the patronisingly named ‘Femometer’.

Consistently fair market research should look at and measure the audience over-all  and use those stats to target efficiently.  However, a biased marketer will be able to sell just as well with this kind of quirky crap.

You can’t condemn one kind of sexist selling and simultaneously replace it with another and expound it as moral and a push for equality.

It is this kind of thing that ensures the difficulties women encounter due to gender stay as they are, or swing entirely the other way so we take over and gain the unfair advantage in the workplace that men currently occupy.

And neither of those options is good enough.

I hope Ladies that Tweet enjoys much future success, as there really were some interesting points raised. I just think they should be careful who they put up to speak, or what was otherwise an interesting evening full of intelligent, interesting and talented women will descend into nonsense.

And that would really be a shame.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The GB Theatre Company's Production of The Tempest

Great Performance by a very talented company at Ashton Court for Bristol's annual Shakespeare Festival! Click Here to Read my Review

Monday, 9 July 2012

Play Dead - Horror Circus Theatre!

Weird, fun and creepy - Circomedia's first theatrical offering! Click here for Review

Friday, 29 June 2012

Voices from Another Part of Town - Celebrating 50 years of Caribbean Independence @Watershed Bristol

I had a great time last night at Watershed’s ‘Voices from Another Part of Town’ event!

The evening was organised to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Trinidad, Tobago and Jamaica’s Independence, and comprised of extracts from a documentary film about St. Pauls - ‘Voices from Another Part of Town’, produced for the BBC by Gavin Barrie in 1981 following the infamous St. Pauls Riots. The documentary recorded the thoughts and opinions of both young and old Caribbean residents in the area.

My Mother came over to England from Trinidad in the seventies, like many other women, to train as a nurse. I now live in St. Pauls, and it was really fascinating to see just how far the area has come since the eighties.

It was also really interesting to see how attitudes have changed, and how Caribbean culture has infiltrated Bristol’s urban culture and been adopted by the city's young people, down to the many white youths who live in the area that have adopted a sort of amalgam of Caribbean and British accents. The arrival of Cabot Circus has also made a difference to the area in recent years, which has done a lot for the housing prices and the desirability of the area.

There were numerous complaints from the older generation in the film about the difficulty for Caribbean residents in finding work, and the assertion that putting your address down as St. Pauls on job applications was inclined to lead to immediate rejection.

This situation has no doubt improved in St. Pauls, and attitudes towards Caribbean immigrants have changed. The film made me realise just how difficult it must have been for my mother when she first came to England, being in a completely foreign country, initially without friends or family. You can see why St. Pauls is still such a predominantly Caribbean area; it’s nice to feel at home, and it’s easiest to do that if you are with people who share similar experiences and backgrounds. It was very moving to hear fathers speaking of the dream that maybe their children could one day have a job in the area, and employ some of their friends.

The documentary showed a garage in St. Pauls, run by Caribbean residents, which was, at the time, the only business of its kind in the area. It is still there, and running as such, but thankfully there are now many businesses run by, and for, the areas Caribbean residents.

 The other amazing part of the documentary was the musical performances by Bunny Marrett (whose launch party for his new record ‘I’m Free’ followed the event) and the spoken word performances by some of the youth in the area.

It was the passion and frustration about their inability to find work, and the judgements passed on them by British residents following the riots that I found really interesting. The anger that drove the improvisation and beat spoke volumes, and spoken word is now something that has passed well into the Bristol underground music scene, with English youths mimicking the accent and style in performances all around the city. The purpose of the genre is still to vent frustrations and anger towards society and it is fitting that this accent and performance style has now been picked up by youth from other cultures in the UK. With recession, cuts to benefits, youth advice centres and facilities as well as high levels of unemployment, their frustrations are very similar to those experienced by Caribbean residents in St. Pauls 30 years ago.

‘Voices from Another Part of Town’ included a very interesting interview with a young man who spoke about the Caribbean community in Bristol feeling like the lowest of the low. He said he felt their only purpose was to make the working -class feel better, mentioning comments by the poorest members of British society at the time that relayed the attitude, ‘well at least we aren’t like these boys’.

Many of those interviewed also felt sure that it was society’s expectations, or lack of, that led to the anger and aggression of the Caribbean youth, and in part, to the riots. It is difficult not to draw a parallel between the situation in St. Pauls in the eighties, and the similar aggression and low expectation of the disenfranchised and often impoverished inner city youth today, (and the nations fear of ‘hoodies’ and the like) which many have implied may have led in part to last year’s riots.

The importance of race in that sentiment may have mellowed, but with unemployment so high, and so many of what were the working class now unable to find work, claiming benefits and living in the cheaper areas of Bristol with a reputation for trouble, the problem itself hasn’t disappeared. British youth are just as angry as the residents of St. Pauls were in the eighties. And with the government continually and increasingly penalising the poorest, the problem is shifting from racism to classism, and that isn’t an improvement at all.

It was great seeing so many people of Caribbean descent in the audience, as well as people of other cultures, all enjoying the film, and the great music afterwards. Bristol is a beautifully multicultural city, and everyone at the event seemed to be having a great time. There was an amazing atmosphere, and it was a wonderful experience to be able to celebrate my culture at such an event. It also reminded me just what an amazing and brave woman my mother is to have taken the leap of faith to come over here forty years ago.

 Despite its problems, I am very proud to be British, I’m proud of my Caribbean heritage, and I love the lively, friendly and vibrant atmosphere of St. Pauls. It’s our parent’s determination, optimism, sense of humour and hard work that has made that possible, and had made St. Pauls, and the change in attitudes towards people of Caribbean descent what they are today.

'Voices from Another Part of Town' was part of 'Radical Bristol', Celebrating Watershed's  30th Birthday. As ever, there are lots of interesting events on at Watershed, check it out! Visit Watershed Bristol

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Sorry Ma...

I just wanted to make a quick comment about my previous post - 'Come on Gove - Give the Poor Kids a Chance', June 18th 2012. Apparently I offended my Mother, so I'm sorry Mum! And I would like to make clear that I would not change my wonderful, mad family for the world.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Play Dead - Horror, Circus & Theatre combine!

Preview of 'Play Dead', the first horrible offering from Circomeadia Graduate company...Looks Great! Click Here for Preview

Monday, 18 June 2012

Come on Gove - Give the poor kids a chance.

I am having a lovely weekend away in Cambridge, staying with the fella's parents. I'm currently sitting in his living room drinking red wine and listening to him and his brother talk about philosophy in the garden, which is why I have time to write!

It's been a good week all in all; work has been hectic, but in a good way.

I started my new job as a part-time administrator at the end of April, but have since been working my arse off to get involved in everything I can within the company in order to prove myself as someone who is useful in areas other than filing.

This has both been great fun, and has gladly paid off. I've been doing a lot of writing work for a couple of new campaigns for the company, as well as blog posts, articles and web re-writes, and it's the first time I have really had the opportunity, thanks to my very supportive bosses, to really get my teeth into a job I enjoy.

I had a meeting on Friday which resulted in me being offered a full-time position. A 'proper' grown up job, as it were. So this week, I am very happy. I've never been one of those five-year-plan types, but I suppose it's all about the big three. You know, a flat I like, a bloke I like, and now, a job I really enjoy. And anyone who is a regular reader of this blog (I think I flatter myself there, but self-delusion helps!) will know I have been looking for a job I like for a long time.

As I'm sure is the case for many, many graduates, the search has been interesting. And irritating. And at points downright depressing. However, I am finally working for a lovely company where people actually treat you like you may have a brain in your head. Unlike the various pub jobs I have had over the last ten years, (shit. ten years.) people actually ask your opinion about things, listen to you when you suggest something, and they don't expect you to flirt with them while they make annoying, and usually crap innuendos in front of their mates. And it's even paying above the minimum wage, which to me is bloody spectacular!

I actually managed to suggest, research and write an article for a HR Magazine (the previous post to this if you're interested) about appraisal in secondary education. After my meeting on Friday, I headed off to Cambridge to stay with my boyfriend's parents for the weekend with the intention of picking his Dad's brain on the subject. He is the headmaster of a very good private school in Cambridge, and I thought he would be a great person to speak to, who was bound to have an interesting and informed perspective. However, it's been a battle to get up the confidence to even ask.

You see, the thing that I have found, (although I'm slowly getting better at it) is that no matter what job you are doing, or your knowledge of the subject in question, if you're from a working-class background, academics are intimidating. And it's frustrating. It's just that their whole lifestyle, accent, way of speaking to each other (and incalculable other little things) are so different from what I'm used to that I still feel like I'm faking it.

My fella has come home to (among other things, Father's Day etc.) help his little brother with his A-Level revision. He is about to sit a philosophy exam, and my partner is training to be a Philosophy Lecturer at Bristol University, so it's good practice for them both.

However, the thing that amazes me every time I venture to Cambridge to meet the family, (who are always lovely and welcoming, by the way) is our irreconcilable difference in attitudes, and consequently, the difference in not just academic attainment, but in the confidence you need in order to feel entitled to it. And this is not just me, it's a difference in attitude I share with many of the people I know.

Cambridge is an obvious place for educational aspiration, being a world renowned centre for academic pursuit, but it's not just the setting. All members of the family speak to each other. And I'm not judging my family here, we do speak, but we also shout, disagree, talk over each other, and nine times out of ten, miss the point of what each other are saying. I still don't think my parents know what job I am doing, or what I did at Uni. And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have it any other way. My point is simply that there certainly weren't any in depth discussions about that sort of thing when I was growing up.

However, in my fella's family, they sit together – quietly – and read the paper. They have discussions about art, literature, philosophy and politics. And this includes the little brother. I don't think I really spoke to my parents at all (unless you count numerous arguments, but that's normal, right?) when I was a teenager, and certainly none of those topics would have even vaguely entered the discussion, but that was normal for most people I knew. But the real difference is in the way they talk. It's grown up, civilised, encourages debate. The little brother speaks fluently, eloquently, about his subjects, and the rest of the family join in, inviting discussion and consideration.

This is where I struggle. Despite being having started my A – levels ten years ago, and having done a degree since then, I can't help feeling like a little kid, and totally unable to join in. Because coming from where I did, I never had discussions like that. And in Lincolnshire, if you did it was likely to get you taken the piss out of at the very least. This is something I don't think I have ever shaken off. If I'm around people who have lots of money and a good education I panic. And I think this is a huge problem, (ignoring money for the moment) with the classist system in British education.

Had I been encouraged to speak like this, to discuss things in this way, at school or at home, I don't think I would have this problem. I think it is part of the reason I'm a writer (I can't see the reactions of people if they're just reading what I've written down, and therefore I don't feel intimidated) and I really believe it's the reason many less well-off children struggle. I don't believe that grades reflect the intelligence of an individual in many cases. And they often don't reflect that person’s ability to perform well in various types of employment. They simply reflect their environment, upbringing and approach to academic work. In the main, they reflect the opportunities people have been given, and the money they have.

The way my partner's little brother talks, even at eighteen, is bound to gain him an exam pass, as long as he can articulate himself the same way in writing. But it's the confidence behind his speech that surprises me. It is the confidence of someone who has always been encouraged to express his opinion, and to discuss his knowledge in an adult way. It is the confidence of someone who has been supported to re-think when mistakes are made, rather than encouraged not to try. And this is what money (and good parenting) achieves. But if our education system was truly representative and democratic, this wouldn't be the case.

Working class kids, no matter what their level of intelligence, are never encouraged to converse in this way, and this seems to be an area in which schools are failing. I realise that many parents of working class kids don't have this level of education, and don't have the knowledge about the subjects their children are learning at school in order to get involved in this way. And that is not a failing on the parent’s part. Neither is it an unfair advantage that parents with better educational attainment encourage their kids in this way. However, what is unfair is that our education system is as such that children from better backgrounds, or those who can afford to attend private schools are being put at an unfair advantage from a very early age.

This is because schools fail to encourage poorer children to think they are capable of learning to converse in a way that encourages debate and that their opinions and knowledge can be of equal value, despite having less money or a different accent. I would like to make clear that I do not think this is the fault of the teachers. It seems to me to be a problem that has arisen because power in schools has been prescriptive and centralised, which limits teacher's freedom to do their jobs in a way that fits the pupil. And it is certainly not a way that encourages improvement.

That national curriculum is currently being reviewed, and Michael Gove has been advised by an expert panel from some of the country’s top universities, headed by Cambridge University's Tim Oates. However, Gove seems to be unwilling to take into account their findings and make changes that make the national curriculum fairer for all. Gove wrote in his letter to Oates following the consultation that he aims to;

'Raise attainment for all children and help the poorest most of all'.

But, like many other decisions under the current government, there seems to be in practice a gap between what they say and what they in fact do. The poorer people in the country, once again seem to be neglected, and are from the start at a disadvantage that the education system seems keen to perpetuate.

Gove proposes to make sure his aims 'embody our sense of ambition, a love of education for its own sake...[and a] determination to democratise knowledge'. However, he is planning a curriculum that doesn't really fit in making this the case. Andrew Pollard, one of the four education specialists recruited in the advisory expert panel described Gove's new curriculum plans as 'punitive and controlling (Guardian Article, June 17th 2012). So once again the result seems to be saying one thing and actually meaning another.

Gove consistently makes reference to giving schools greater freedoms, both in his academies and in mainstream schooling, but this freedom is yet to materialise. If schools do not give teachers the freedom to teach in a way that is fitting to their pupils, then the system that currently disadvantages those from poorer backgrounds will simply continue.

In his letter to Oates, he proposes that the new curriculum will put a stronger emphasis on 'reading widely for pleasure' […] and children will learn to 'master formal English through poetry recitation'. This is all well and good, but given that the expert panel were assembled in order to advise on the curriculum, and seem to be against these prescriptive measures, it’s odd that he has continued to forge ahead regardless.

Gove mentions in his letter that the new curriculum should allow 'as many children as possible [to] lay claim to a rich intellectual inheritance'. However, by prescribing the curriculum in this restrictive manner, he assumes all children approach academic pursuits in the same way, and from an equal footing. This simply isn't the case.

Encouraging children to learn by writ; down to prescribing them a spelling list - is not applicable, or fluid enough to engage pupils from these backgrounds. Neither does it give teachers the freedom to make education and confidence in their own intelligence accessible to working class students. For someone from a poorer background where there is not a culture of 'reading widely for pleasure', or reciting poetry, this kind of restrictive teaching makes what children learn inapplicable, outdated and potentially disengaging.

Once children have been put off or alienated by schooling, or taught by teachers who do not have the freedom to engage them in a way that they can really relate to, it is easy for their confidence to be knocked. And in my experience that can last a lifetime.

However, I would like to thank my lovely bloke for giving me the opportunity to meet many people who I would not have otherwise met, attend many academic functions and get involved in discussions that I would not have otherwise had the confidence to enter. Also, for making me realise that people from better backgrounds, with better educations are not as scary and incomprehensible as I thought. They are actually lovely, supportive, and simply often unaware that in the lower classes, any such lack of confidence exists.

Hopefully, if the people employed to improve the situation listen to advice, rather than assuming they are right and asking others simply as a token gesture, confidence will improve. Then whatever their background, children will have a little more faith in their ability.

Friday, 8 June 2012

The New Appraisal Rules for Teachers - and what that means for schools

A new set of requirements has been put in place for Teachers from Septemeber 2012, but what does that mean for schools? - Atricle written for Carbon 360 Click for Company Site and Published in 'HR Magazine'- written for Director Iain Rhodes Click Here for Article

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Magna Mysteria - Neither Magic or Mysterious... or was it?

Roll up, roll up if you've got £15 quid to waste, for the least magical show in Bristol!

Last Saturday heralded the eagerly awaited final instalment from the 'carnival troupe on a journey of intrigue' – the team calling themselves Magna Mysteria who promised (I quote all this from their website) 'The most spectacular showdown Bristol has ever seen'. And Bristol's seen some pretty good showdowns. After all, we gave rise to the Stokes Croft Riots (if you're thinking of that kind of showdown) and the many amazing, and actually spectacular showdowns hosted by the amazing Invisible Circus, in the same big top no less. So when I read about the Mayfest event being put on by Magna Mysteria, I really was excited.

I love Mayfest Bristol. I have been to some really amazing shows in previous years, and judging from the advertisements, this looked great. I mean whoever designed the poster should not under any circumstance be marred by the absolute hopelessness of the actual event. They gave a hint of a magicians beard, without revealing the face (both magical and mysterious) and the logo was wicked. It was also painted all over town. I can only assume they spanked their entire budget on the advertising and the rental of the big top for the evening, only to find themselves suddenly caught short and not feeling very magical at all when they realised they had no money for anything but chalk and a slightly tinny loudspeaker for the 'spectacular showdown'.

Now I assume that something must have gone 'spectacularly' (oh the irony) wrong. However, it went so wrong that no one there seemed to be able to fathom what was supposed to have happened in the first place.

And that is the most irritating thing, there has been no apology, or explanation concerning what was supposed to happen. The most magical trick of the whole event was the immediate disappearance of the carnival troupe's twitter feed, presumably because they magically foresaw the tirade of abuse from the punters who paid fifteen quid and we're told to keep in their mind one simple idea; 'you are a magician'. Possibly, they meant this literally, and had more faith in us than we deserved. In which case, we have let no one but ourselves down.

In summary, the final show consisted of this; We all got dressed up as magicians, arrived at the big top expectant, and proudly showed the magical staff the tarot cards we had been given at the start of the whole experience. So far so good.

We gathered in the big top and waited. We were told that we had to look for our names, which had been chalked on the floor, in what we presumed was a huge magic circle, around the edge of the big top. We were to stand on our names and wait. This bit was quite exciting.

We all wandered, hyped up, (holding in our heads the simple thought that we were magicians and dressed as such) and found our names, then stood there, as instructed, waiting for the magic to begin.

And (now this is the most confusing bit) that was the last thing we heard about the magic circle of names. It was obvious they had put a lot of effort in here. There were a lot of us, and everyone's name was there. There was even evidence of the crew having meticulously rubbed out the names a few times, and rewritten them in order to get the circle perfect.

But why?

Maybe that was the 'Mysteria' part. However, we had been standing there a brief few seconds before we were summoned into the centre to hear a man tell a story. Something about the magical sisters not being able to be there, and that the magician couldn't make it either, because at some point in history, the tent had burned down.

I think. It was hard to hear.

I expected there to be some fiery illusion forthcoming, but no such luck. We were then instructed to get our phones out to play the short piece of music we had been asked to download before the show. All at the same time...gasp...and then...

It became evident that there were a lot of people who had paid for tickets, but did not have smart phones. So they were out. Also, the ones who did couldn't hear them in the big top. We couldn't therefore hear anyone else's music either. I don't even know if we were meant to. A 'magical voice' said something you couldn't hear over the tinny loudspeaker. And that was it.

We were told to head out into the city. Like everyone else there, I assumed this meant the magic was about to start. But we were led....suspend your disbelief... simply to the exit. And there we all stood, for about five minutes. Waiting, dressed as magicians, until word filtered back, met by varying responses; namely denial, disappointment, then anger, that people had spoken to security. That was it.

The most entertaining (and saddest) thing I saw all evening was a middle aged man, who had a brilliant outfit, simply look at the messenger blankly, shake his head at the floor, and the remove his velvet cape and walk home. My magical troupe quickly opted for the nearest pub to experience a spectacular showdown of Jagerbombs, and forget the whole 'experience'.

So should you see anything advertised as magical, and put on by a 'carnival troupe on a journey of intrigue' masquerading a Magna Mysteria, or Mercurial Wrestler, steer clear, if you still believe in magic.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Minsk 2011: An Answer to Kathy Acker

Brilliant but brutal performance at Bristol Tobacco Factory - Read my review here

The Strange Undoing Of Prudencia Hart @ Trinity Centre

A great interactive play set in a Scottish Pub Lock in with free Whiskey? What could be better than that!? Click Here for Review

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Desperation State - Yes Sir Boss EP Launch Party

Saturday May 7th heralded the release of Yes Sir Boss' new EP with Joss Stone's label, Stoned Records at the intimate venue Fiddlers in Bedminster, and the new tracks certainly didn't disappoint.

Being a Bristolite myself, I've been a fan of Yes Sir Boss for a while. Within the first hour of the doors opening, the gig was sold out; not merely a testament to their fan base at home, but to their unique, catchy-without-being-tediously-irritating hooks, their always energetic and honest performances and their brilliantly unique sound.

The Bossers have a truly eclectic mix of influences, from Spaghetti Western inspired tense build ups, to wonderful Jazz phrasing and Funky Reggae beat energy. The gig was in full swing from the moment it kicked off. They are one of those rare modern bands whose appeal doesn't lie simply in the front man, or in some killer hook, but in the fact that all the members bring something truly meaty to the musical table, and that blend of artistic flavours combined with the genuine feeling they bring to their performance is really something different.

There's no limelight hogging here, just a band with proper old school panache. The nice thing about this lot is that there are so many bands who attempt to fuse genres, and all that occurs is a sort of loss of identity or continuity, but Yes Sir Boss have both the talent and the balls to pull it off. What could be a musical mess for a lesser band is turned into something bold and interesting – like a Jackson Pollock of the music world – vibrant and interesting, resulting in a gig that is fucking good fun!

The new EP, Desperation State consists of four tracks - a mix of previously released and new material – Not Guilty, Desperation State, Pretty Thing and Never Know – and is definitely well worth getting hold of. But I also stress that if you get the chance you should go and see them live. If you love good music, an electric atmosphere, and skanking till you can skank no more, then get tickets immediately. They are touring right now, and it was wicked seeing them in such a small venue, an opportunity which if my music magic ball serves me right, may well soon be a rare treat. The Bossers are going to be big.

Yes Sir Boss are;

Matthew Sellors – Guitar/Lead Vocals

Luke Potter – Guitar/Vocals

Tom First – Trumpet/Melodica/Piano/Vocals

Jehan Abdel-Malak – Soprano/Tenor & Alto Sax/Melodica/Piano/Vocals

Josh Stopford – Bass Guitar/Ukulele/Vocals

Reuben Nimmo – Drums

For upcoming gigs visit http:Yes Sir Boss Official Site

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Breathing - A Karl Markoviks Film

A rather gloomy, but brilliant film - Click the link to read my review. Breathing Review

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Breathing - Showing at Bristol Watershed from April 20th

Karl Markovics directorial debut, bleak & touching. Review to follow!

Click here for preview

Friday, 13 April 2012

Pinter's A Kind of Alaska & Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape

Two Great plays running until May 12th @ Bristol Old Vic Theatre
If you can't make the theatre, I still recommend watching or reading them, both are excellent.

Click Here to read my review

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

A Preview for the Beckett & Pinter Production @ Bristol Old Vic

Running until May 12th 2012, two brilliant plays by two giants of 20th Century Literature; A Kind of Alaska/Krapp's Last Tape - I'm looking forward to seeing it tonight, look out for the review!

Click for Beckett & Pinter Preview

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Knickers Nicked! The sorry state of modern Britain.

What is the world coming to when you can't dry your washing in the safety of your own garden?
I know we're in a recession and shopping for luxury items, like, erm, underwear is more difficult than it used to be, but seriously.

Last week I had one of those lovely days where you have the morning off work, the sun was out for about the first time this year, and it was properly warm. If you sat directly in the sun that is (this is Britain after all) and that is precisely where I thought I would sit my laundry. I got up early, ate some breakfast, repotted my plants, and hung two lots of laundry out before my friend arrived for lunch, and being such a sunny day we decided to go to the pub. I nearly put said laundry back in the house before we left. Not for fear of theft you understand, but simply because, as I said, this is Britain, and sods law, it would probably rain. But no. I was in a good mood, and in a wild gesture of optimism I decided to risk it, the lot would be dry by the time we got back. However, this is how optimism is rewarded. I returned to find the lot gone. Drying racks and all.

One of my lovely housemates, I thought, must have put it away for me. Bless them. I scanned the house, no sign. After confirming that neither housemate had seen it, I was mystified. My garden is walled in. The walls are pretty high. And the racks are pretty big. And the clothes were really cheap. Had I been drying a collection of Chanel suits, Vera Wang dresses and the like, unlikely as it may be I thought, a passing fashionista with a penchant for slightly risky theft may have happened by, and that I could sort of understand. They could flog it on Ebay. However, the logic behind scaling a wall in pursuit of faded Primark pants baffles me.

For a start, surely you would need to have been in a position to look over the wall in the first place in order to spot said pants. Secondly, my housemate and neighbours own some pretty nice bikes, none of which were securely stored, except obviously behind the big bloody wall, which presumably they deemed to be safe enough. None of them were touched. And they would have to have been quick, because there are four houses contained behind the wall, and it was the middle of the day on a Tuesday. The likeliness of one of the neighbours, or the person who hung the laundry out in the first place seeing you out of the window is pretty high.

Is this how people get their kicks nowadays? A high octane top speed knicker theft? Are these the people who used to go on snowboarding holidays to get their adrenaline rush, but now the recession has hit they need a cheaper fear fix? Or are junkies now looking to dress better, but still need to spunk their spare cash on skag? Maybe there is a black market value to cheap used underwear. However, I always understood 'used' to mean dirty, not just faded and losing their structural integrity. Maybe it's just someone who really loves ironing and folding clothes, but they had done all the stuff at home and just needed one quick sock-pairing hit.

The questions are many. The answers are few. Maybe there has been a spate of this kind of thing. Maybe it was a one off (any information welcome). But be warned dear reader, the days of hanging your stuff out to dry are over. That nice british image of neighbours pegging up their sheets while having a nice chat over the fence in the summer is shattered.

People are weird. Stranger than I ever imagined. And if I see anyone wearing a slightly coffee satined Hello Kitty T-Shirt wandering around my neighbourhood, they had better be afraid. I don't mean that in an 'I'll knock you spark out, love' kind of way, but I will recognise the grubby thing and follow them down the road with relentless questions about what the the hell is the matter with them until I get some kind of explanation. Because I'm mystified. And if this is a spate, not an isolated incident, somebody please let me know. I don't think I want to live in a world where a girl can't hang her pants out without fear. And by the way, cheap as the clothes were, it's going to cost me a sodding wedge to replace most of a wardrobe's worth of stuff. Maybe I should just keep my eye open for some poor bugger hanging their laundry out...

Friday, 6 January 2012

Visit Prague!

I don't think it's possible to dislike Prague. Whether you are a fan of sightseeing, art, music, or simply want an affordable weekend break drinking with friends somewhere out of the norm, Prague has it all.

Steeped in history, legend and vibrant bohemian vitality, Prague will make a memorable trip no matter how long or short your stay. And the best thing is that no matter what your budget, there are so many things to see and do, you can easily tailor your holiday to suit your own interests and wallet.

Known as 'the city with a thousand spires', Prague's architectural diversity is amazing, beautiful and enchanting. The city is a magical fusion of the old and the new, of beautifully preserved ancient architecture from the Gothic, the Neo-Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque combined with Modernist, and Art-Nouveau, complete with Post Communist architectural facelifts and Post-Revolutionary spirit. The whole city is unique in it's vibrancy and acceptance of ideas. The home of the Bohemian revolution, the end of communism lends a kind of newly found embrace of liberal thinking which mean the city buzzes with energy.

Bohemia takes up the western two-thirds of the Czech Republic – the term now applies to anyone living an unconventional lifestyle after being adopted in Paris following Puccini's opera La Boheme about a group of poverty stricken Parisian artists. Lack of convention and a love of art and music is a huge part of Prague's appeal. Whether you are an art enthusiast and are interested in visiting one of the cities eclectic galleries (many of which are Free Entry) or you are a classical music fan and wish to visit the Mozart museum (Prague was one of the Viennese composers favourite cities, and he performed there many times, as well as completing Don Giovanni in the city) or attend one of Prague's many classical symphony performances, the city is an amazing playground for anyone with a romantic or artistic soul. And if you aren't a huge fan of the traditional cultural pursuits, the city is packed full of amazing basement bars and coffee houses with very reasonably priced and lovely Czech beers where you can while away the hours and immerse yourself in the whole bohemian vibe.

Simply walking around the city is amazing - cobbled streets, numerous cafes, bars and restaurants - however there are some things you simply have to see. There are so many beautiful cathedrals and castles in the city, but two things really took my breath away. The first being the St. Vitus Catherdral, a massive ornate gothic structure which looms over the pastel buildings in the cities central square like an ominous Burtonesque apparition. The building is even more beautiful inside than it is out, covered in sparkling jasper and amethyst and decorated with 14th to 16th century frescos depicting scenes from the passion of the Christ. It is also the place where Wenceslas (Václav in Czech) duke of Bohemia – the good King Wenceslas of the popular carol - is buried.

Thanks to a good industrial standing and a thriving tourist industry, Prague is better off than the rest of the Czech Republic, and has undergone a lot of modern architectural improvement since the overthrow of the Communist regime in 1989. Since the Iron curtain fell, the city is clearly hugely happy that it is able to show its many crowning jewels to the rest of the world. However, this means that Prague is not as cheap as it used to be. As with all cities that rely on tourism as a large part of their bread and butter, if you visit predominately the tourist areas, things can be overpriced. Avoid the areas aimed solely at tourists, and not only will you find a wealth of amazing and much more interesting pursuits, but you can spread your own wealth a whole lot further. Outside the tourist zones, the basics like food and drink are still remarkably cheap, and the great thing about the city is that you don't need to stray far, also it's a very safe place to have a roam. Simply navigate away from the central areas down one of the many winding cobbled streets and you can bag yourself a cheap meal and a lovely view, as well as very friendly service. The other great thing if you are a fan of the Bohemian spirit (not Absinthe you understand, I mean it abstractly) is that unlike the UK, there is no horrendous pub kicking out time. Bars serve well into the wee small hours, and you can happily find yourself some interesting locals who, as with all of Europe, can happily converse with you in English and drink beer or coffee with you all night - and the city at night is really magical. That brings me to the other not-to-be-missed part of Prague.

In Orloj, one of the cities oldest areas, you can visit the famous astronomical clock which dates back to 1410 and was made by clockmaker Mikulas of Kadan and Jan Sindel, a professor of mathematics and astronomy. The clock is ornate, beautiful and fascinating, and the location magically lit at night. There really is something enchanting and mystical about the city - but a word of warning. If you are scrimping on the pennies (and who isn't at the moment?) avoid visiting during Christmas, Easter and New Year. Although if you do have a bit of cash, the city hosts some spectacular markets where you can but traditional Czech food, drinks and craft items, hotel prices tend to rise by around 20% during these times and the city is packed full of travellers from all around Europe, so it is very busy. Obviously, this too is a wonderful experience, but there is so much beauty, life and personality to the city the whole year round that for much less money, you will have a fantastic experience off peak too.

For more information you can visit and search Prague.